Programs and Initiatives

Visionhill e-Workshops

Workshops are events where we invite external speakers to share with VisionHill members their experiences and expertise. At the same time we give Vision Hill members the opportunity to share topics of their choice be it their experiences, projects they may be working on, or anything of their choice. Members may also be able to participate by submitting a video which may be played during the workshop and posted on the VisionHill website and social media. Since the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, and realizing how busy all of us have became all workshops have been conducted online, hence calling them e-workshops

Visionhill In-Person Events

These are events and activities that are held in person. For visionhill Oklahoma these have been conducted in form of cookouts during the summer time, a bowling event, a lunch-on/gala. These are typically limited to people who are physically able to congregate to exchange, share, and engage one another, but also have some fun. For the Greater Chicago Chapter these have been trying to mount a Summer Flex Event where people join events that are already happening in the city, but with a Visionhill touch after. For instance, watching a game, going on a cruise, or going sightseeing. The idea is to have the events announced ahead, and whenever possible provide a place where people can congregate after the community activity.

Visionhill Mentorship Program

This program’s goal was to link mentors and mentees in a professional setting. The program proved to be nearly impossible to implement due to the transactional nature of how we noted people approach mentorship, instead of cultivating a long term relationship, we noted that there was a tendency of being transactional from both sides. This program is currently on hold, however, on an adhoc basis, we are still able to introduce and link individuals, both peer to peer and mentor-mentees both formally and informally. 

Visionhill Summer High School Support Program

This is a program that was kickstarted in 2022 to come together and support a promising high school student in Rwanda. The idea being to pull our meager resources together, select objectively a student who is promising whose only challenge is financial support, and assist in providing both tuition and any other funds to push him/her through the entire high school. The program is voluntary and so far has 7 people who have joined to support the program financially. If you are interested in supporting the program let us know at

Visionhill Capital

Run as a separate organization, when it was established, the idea was for those interested in entrepreneurship to have some avenue to go deeper on how to pull resources together and invest together. The initiative was able to invest in 2 businesses in Rwanda both looking at expansion. At the moment, the initiative is being changed into a Micro Savings Scheme. If you are interested please reach out to Olivier at

Visionhill Healthy Lifestyle Virtual Run/Walk

This program was inspired by an e-workship we held in 2022 on health Lifestyle as a professional or a student or an immigrant in the USA. Using Justmove App, we organize Virtual Run/Walk events where members can use the app to participate in the activity, with an option to run/walk outside or run on a treadmill. The App tracks the participant and those who finish the activity receive small awards, the emphasis here being to complete the distance rather than competition. 

201 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60602 | Phone: 800-123-456 | Email:

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