Visionhill Programs Initiatives Projects

At Visionhill we have many programs, initiatives and projects to make our community vibrant and engaged. Some of the programs we have are e-workshops where we invite speakers, high support program for a high school students, in person-events, etc.

About us

VisionHill is a not for profit, non religious, non-political, community organization started in 2012 to create an environment for Rwandans, friends of Rwandans and friends of Rwanda to meet, connect, think and thrive through innovative programs and events. We work with other organizations and groups with shared interest to organize events and implement programs and initiatives that stimulate the culture of sharing, entrepreneurship, leadership and solidarity. Having started from Oklahoma where events, workshops, cookouts, were organized to learn from one another, with invited speakers and members sharing about projects, initiatives and experiences.

Our Programs

Visionhill e-Workshops

Workshops are events where we invite external speakers to share with VisionHill members their experiences and expertise.

Visionhill In-Person Events

These are events and activities that are held in person. For visionhill Oklahoma these have been conducted in form of

Visionhill Mentorship Program

This program’s goal was to link mentors and mentees in a professional setting. The program proved to be nearly impossible

Visionhill Summer High School Support Program

This is a program that was kickstarted in 2022 to come together and support a promising high school student in Rwanda.

Visionhill Capital

Run as a separate organization, when it was established, the idea was for those interested in entrepreneurship to have some

Visionhill Healthy Lifestyle Virtual Run/Walk

This program was inspired by an e-workship we held in 2022 on health Lifestyle as a professional or a student or an immigrant in the USA

Our History

  • 2012 – Visionhill Oklahoma Chapter was started as an initiative to meet and discuss projects and organizations and to stimulate entrepreneurship and stewardship.

  • 2012 – 2 members of VisionHill participate in ELE Rwanda Business Competition and come in the 5 places

  • 2014- Decided to have standardized meetings per year

  • 2015 – Organized first every Hackathon to build

  • 2015 – Visionhill Capital was Launched for members who are interested in entrepreneurship to come together, pull their resources together and invest together.


  • Create an environment to foster intelligent sharing 
  • Create an environment to promote entrepreneurship
  • Create an environment to promote exchange and  solidarity
  • Create an environment to promote communication and Leadership skills
  • Create an environment to reinforce Rwandans, Friends of Rwandans, and Friends of

Rwanda to connect and thrive

  • Facilitate Rwandans living abroad to  integrate into the Rwandan market
  • Explore investment opportunities both abroad and in Rwanda

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To become the gateway for a prosperous future to Rwandans, Friends of Rwandans and Friends of Rwanda living abroad and in the country

201 E Randolph St, Chicago, IL 60602 | Phone: 800-123-456 | Email:

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